15 August 2019
Tördürg Lake - Tortum - Ösk Vank - Tortum Waterfall
Orux map screenshot:
BLUE line is the planned route
RED line is the actual route we drove
How is our daily routine beside all the new impressions we get?
Early morning Hosain takes Tara for a walk for approx 1 hour depending where we are. Sometimes the track to walk is limited and sometimes open and unlimited.
Meanwhile I take a shower in our little cute bathroom with cool water, since we don't want to work the gaz heater, which is connected with the heating system of the car. No need to heat the car more in the summer heat.
While the tea water is boiling i clean BlueBird, specially the floor every day, because Tara is bringing in a lot of sand and gras beside the fur she is spreading everywhere
The interior of our BlueBird, cockpit. ..
... bathroom ...
.....living room with kitchen
After breakfast Hosain usually washes the dishes and I dry them. We fix the interior loose items, so that whenever we drive over uneven roads and curves the things don't fly around in the car, pack the rest, wash the front window and have a last check around and under the car.
Between 9am and 10am we start moving to our next destination.
The first 100km on the highway between Sivas and Erzincan is not as comfortable as the previous highways we passed. Lots of patchwork and bumps, really bad to drive. We wonder why in this part of Turkey, such an important connection is so neglected.
In Tantum we get some groceries, water and fresh fruits
Guess what is it?
The valley of the river Tortum
The ruins of a church
Ösk Vank, situated in the small village Senyurt. The impressive monastery dating 963-973 was one of the most important bishoprics in the region, is after years of neglects under renovation.
Tortum lake is a natural lake, not a reservoir
In the evening we have in a restaurant delicious fish from the lake and find a good place in a village near the Tortum Waterfall to camp over night
Tomorrow we will visit the waterfall before we drive to Georgia
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